The Global Leadership Summit is not just an event; it’s a catalyst for change.

A Catalyst for Change

We desire that the GLS would provide an annual injection of encouragement, learning, inspiration and challenge for delegates to grow their leadership and steward their influence for greater impact in their organisation, local community, across the nation, and beyond!

Leadership Matters
Learn more about why Investing in Your Leadership Really Matters
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Discover Stories of the GLS’s Influence Around the World
Hear Why Australian Leaders Prioritise the GLS
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Investing in Your Leadership Really Matters

When you make a commitment to invest in your leadership by attending the Summit and apply what you learn throughout the year, not only are you impacting your own leadership, but you are changing the communities you represent. The following outcomes* are just some of the results you can expect with your investment:

Why Ghanaian Leaders Prioritise the GLS

Hear Why Ghanaian Leaders Prioritise the GLS

“My husband and I have been “GLS junkies” for almost 10 years now- GLS has become a vital source of spiritual nourishment that helps guide us through life and ministry. When we attend together as a couple and with our teams, it helps us to be on the same page for how to live life abundantly and lead others well.”
Anina Findling
National Networking Manager for BFS
“The Global Leadership Conference never imagines anything less that something extraordinary, and this year was no exception. I cannot recommend this event highly enough. With a ‘ who’s who’ of speakers and artists, I have been challenged, excited, empowered at the possibilities for myself and the people I lead. And the best thing is that God showed up in a very real way. The Summit is a genuine world-class event – if you can go, then please just make it happen! This is an amazing gift!”
Steven Coote
Principal/CEO, Calvary Christian College
“The GLS is not just a conference it’s a life-changing, leadership stretching and ministry motivating opportunity. Life can get so busy for all of us – but if you want to lead well over the long haul, grow as a leader, be inspired, challenged and re-motivated – then I’d say make the GLS is an unmissable experience on your annual calendar. You won’t regret it”
Rev Dr Graham Humphris
Church Planting Project Officer, Uniting Church
“The Global Leadership Summit has been the most important leadership training event on our calendar for the past five or six years. It’s positively affected our church culture, our leadership health, the vibrancy of our vision, and the effectiveness of methods. We bring more people to it every year.”
Casey Wolverton
Lead Pastor, Glenvale Seventh-day Adventist Church
“The GLS has been a fantastic source of leadership wisdom and timely inspiration for us at NewHope. By setting aside a small sum in the budget we have made it an annual leadership development priority for our whole team and the benefits have been fantastic. There are timely ‘gifts’ for every participant and major insights that serve our mission every year we attend. It’s a great way to spend time with experienced colleagues and to invest in emerging leaders as well. I highly recommend not just attending the GLS but taking a team and continually learning together.”
Rev. Dr. Allan Demond
Senior Pastor, NewHope Baptist Church
“I have found GLS to be transforming at both a ministry and personal level. You will hear from gifted speakers who bring a wealth of experience from a wide range of leadership situations. It is full of faith inspiring stories and creative moments that will encourage and equip you to grow and develop in whatever area of leadership you are in. If you are in leadership or aspire to be a leader then GLS is for you!”
Toni Rehrmann
Associate Pastor, Darwin Baptist Church, Director of Baptist Women NT
“I have found GLS to be transforming at both a ministry and personal level. You will hear from gifted speakers who bring a wealth of experience from a wide range of leadership situations. It is full of faith inspiring stories and creative moments that will encourage and equip you to grow and develop in whatever area of leadership you are in. If you are in leadership or aspire to be a leader then GLS is for you!”
Mark Edwards
Senior Pastor, Inglewood Church
“World class speakers from around the globe means the GLS is the first event I commit myself and our team to every year. We are pushed, challenged, inspired and encouraged as we learn together – sharpening our leadership as a result. It’s the best leadership investment we make.”
Stu Cameron
Lead Minister, Newlife Church
“The GLS is a life giving opportunity to take a deep breath from the business of ministry and re-imagine what the future could be like. The GLS helps me to see way beyond that which I already understand. The post GLS conversations with our church team have been rich and invigorating as together we contextualise our learning and adapt our ministry practice. I highly recommend attending!”
Jonathan Davies
Senior Pastor, Seeds Uniting Church
“For more than 15 years the GLS has been the highlight of my annual leadership development. I’m always confident that the speakers will bring fresh and applicable insights, which become leadership habits that keep myself and my team growing. Each year I know my thinking will be elevated and my purpose illuminated – so I can’t afford to miss it!”
Andy Hopper
Team Leader, Hillsong Leadership Network
“This world class event will take your organisation to a whole new level! You will be challenged and stretched beyond your comfort zone, whilst being lifted up and re-energised to fulfil your dream & vision. I haven’t missed a GLS since I first attended 8 years ago!”
Mark Pelt
CEO, Advanced Technology
“As a ministry leader, I have appreciated the input of GLS year after year after year. The content remains important to my personal development. I especially appreciate that GLS tackles subjects that are relevant to a changing society. GLS is a not negotiable in my calendar.”
Jo Hood
International CEO, Mainly Music
“The Global Leadership Summit is a key event in my calendar that I always make space for every single year. No matter what is happening in my work, the content hits the mark about the challenges being faced in my community and my organisation that is actionable and practical. The faculty is world class every single time, and there is no other way that that calibre of leader would ever be in my community all at once if it wasn’t for the GLS.”
Adam Mostogl
Founder / Inspirer of illuminate Education
“I attend each year because this unique gathering lifts my thinking, points me toward new perspectives and inspires me to dream differently. It helps me engage my mind and heart for the sake of finding new ways forward – to engage with God and to stir me toward action.”
Steve Fitzallen
Senior Minister, Door of Hope Christian Church
It starts as a seed that takes root in your soul and grows into an insatiable and undeniable desire to connect with God’s vision for your one and only life. A Grander Vision is your role to play in God’s Kingdom. But even more, it sends you on an inspiring, unpredictable, vibrant and soul-satisfying journey.
Are you going to throw your one and only life into pursuing a lesser vision? Or are you willing to dive headfirst into pursuing the Grander Vision God has just for you?
We’d love to hear your Grander Vision story!

You can email it to us at:

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